Monday, January 14, 2013

Girl Scout
Cookie Share!

January 27, 2013


I am a Cadette Girl Scout named Hannah Takasuka, and starting January 27, 2013, I will be taking up the challenge of collecting Girl Scout cookies for the military through the Girl Scout program, Cookie Share.

The Girl Scout cookies that are donated will raise the spirits of the men and women serving our country. Girl Scout cookies are one of the most top requested items by the service men and women.

I have a large goal fundraising goal for Cookie Share. Last year, our troop distributed over $2500 in Girl Scout cookies to the military. I have set myself a personal fundraising goal of $1000. I would greatly appreciate your help in reaching this goal because I want to be able to give out more cookies this year than last year to see more happy faces of the military members and their families. It was so much fun to giving out the cookies this year. The military and their families were so happy to get the cookies that were donated.
If you donate the Girl Scout Cookies to the military, you will get a tax deductible receipt, and I will include an acknowledgement of your support at our next cookie share distribution.
Below are some pictures of my troop, 778 distributing 1140 boxes of donated cookies to Marine Battalion 3/1 in 2012. I am the girl with the left.

Thank you for taking time to read my letter. As one of my sponsors, I will let you know how my troop and I do.

Hannah Takasuka
Girl Scout Cadette
Troop 778

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